january 2020
2 minute read


This website is a blog-like gallery for projects and thoughts that I collect over the time. It’s mostly about electronics, design, coding, and some spare time activities. The heavy use of Chinese and Japanese characters is not meant to confuse the reader but merely reflects my obsessive appreciation of both country’s cultures. Hover your mouse over most of the links and your browser should reveal in a possibly more comprehensible language what lies behind.

the paleozoic era

古生代 (koseidai in Japanese or gǔshēngdài in Chinese) literally translates to old life time and means the paleozoic era. “Paleozoic” on the other hand means old life in Greek, pretty much the same so. The paleozoic spans from 541 to 252 million years ago. It follows the extinction of the strange Ediacaran biota and starts with the most rapid and widespread diversification of life in Earth’s history, the Cambrian explosion. Its end is defined by the most severe mass extinction the earth has ever witnessed at the border between the Permian and the Triassic.

The reason why I chose koseidai as the name for this site was, to be honest, another obsession with paleontology on the one hand and the convenience of having a virtually never-ending naming scheme for upcoming eurorack modules and other projects on the other hand. Also, I expected at least the English and Japanese speaking community to be able to pronounce it correctly: “co-say-die”. However, the unfortunate Germans might draw a false conclusion from the familiar-looking “ei”. The closest German pronunciation may be “kosehdai”.

the website

This website is built with hugo and hosted on netlify.

the author

My name is Korbinian Schreiber. I studied physics at the University of Munich and proceeded with a doctorate in neuromorphic engineering at the University of Heidelberg. During that time, I somehow managed to combine a lot of personally loved stuff like neuroscience, insects, electrical engineering, machine learning, Stanislaw Lem, etc. into a thesis with the title accelerated neuromorphic cybernetics. Currently, I am working for a funding agency in Berlin. You can find me on GitHub, LinkedIn, XING, and certainly on some other places too..